Choose From 3 Great Sizes:
• S - Small/Travel (3.5 inches long)-Perfect for portable emergency use. Great for carrying in your purse or pocket.
• M - Medium/Manicure (5.5 inches) - The ideal size for home or office use and regular maintenance. Our most popular seller. Perfect for your night stand or coffee table.
• L - Large/Pedicure (7.5 inches) - An excellent pedicure tool that's ideal for removing hardened and for a smooth • XL - Spa Bar/Pedicure (6.5 x 0.25 inches)
Crystal Glass Nail Files are available in four different sizes individually or as a set of 3 ( S, M, & L).
Small / Travel - Great size for your wallet, purse or travel bag. (3-1/2 inches long) . Prices are $6 for a colored or hand painted file.
Medium / Manicure - Perfect for your nightstand or coffee table. (5-1/2 inches long). Prices are $9 for a colored or hand painted file.
Large / Pedicure - Throw away those pumice stones and see how quickly a glass file helps with your calluses! (7-1/2 inches long). Prices are $11 for a colored or hand painted file. Throw away those pumice stones and see what a difference the glass files make on your calluses!
X Large / Spa Bar - SLAB BAR DESIGN - Size is 6.5 x 1 1/2 x 0.25"
2 Sided Filing Surfaces- Heavy duty. Frequent use helps feet stay soft & smooth. Foot files are designed to remove hardened and calloused skin from your feet, elbows or any place you have a callous or rough skin!
A Protective Sheath is included with each file.
(White Standard Plastic)
All files are Made in the Czech Republic, Where the Finest Glass in the World is Produced.
They are made of a High-Quality
Tempered Glass For Durability.
And Won't wear out!
Each File Comes in its Own Durable, Protective, Clear Vinyl Case for added protection.
Easy to Clean and Can be Sterilized with Heat, Autoclave, Liquid Soap and UV lighting.
Hard Case File Protectors
Our Hard Case Nail File Protectors are not only beautiful, but protect your Glass Nail File from breakage. Cases come in medium. Fits most Crystal Glass Nail Files Does NOT Fit: Dichroic or Elegance Collection.
Currently only Light Blue & Hot Pink in stock.
5 1/2" Med. Case - $3.75